Plant Lover's Paradise in Rancho Santa Fe

No one can tell that this attractive dry stream/path hides a drainage swale.

Attractive dry stream bed hides a drainage swale

No one can tell that this attractive dry stream bed hides a drainage swale.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Beautiful materials for the garden steps

Beautiful materials blending harmoniously together make the descent into the garden exciting.before-back-garden-with-pool

Back garden with pool before renovation

On the wish list for the back garden were the removal of the lawn and more definition of the space which seemed to drop off, at the edge of the slope, into a “no-man’s land”.The glare of pavement and walls made the patio uncomfortable, and the noise from the road below the slope contributed to making this garden uninviting.Front entrance obscured by palms

Before - Front entrance obscured by palms

Palms and other foliage shrubs obscured the house; the access to it, on a large driveway, was unfriendly to visitors approaching it on foot.Gate in the Back Garden

Gate in the back garden

We added a gate to separate the patio from the garage area and to give the patio a more private feel.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Gently curving descent into the garden

A gently curving path and garden steps were added on the side of the driveway, allowing the discovery of the garden and home on a more human scale.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Pool and patio with canopies

The patio space was enlarged, and elegant canopies shade two separate dining areas. We chose “interlocking” concrete pavers because they offer a safe footing for the elderly family members and allow rain water to percolate into the subsoil.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Pool Deck

The lawn has given way to plantings of drought resistant perennials, ornamental grasses and flowering trees. The pool deck, in size reduced, is also paved with interlocking pavers so all spaces connect seamlessly.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Profusion of drought tolerant perennials and grasses

Profusion of drought tolerant perennials and grasses.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Sound & Seatwall in the back garden

A 3 ft masonry wall with glass panels effectively blocks the noise from the road below and gives the garden boundaries and structure. While allowing the view outside it directs the focus inward and makes the space more intimate.backyard-landscape-design-xeriscape-san-diego

Walkway and planting detail

Comfortable stepping stone paths lead to discoveries of exciting plants in all parts of the garden.


From Boring Yard to Garden Joy: Six Steps to Help You Create Your Dream Landscape Design (Part II)


Thank Heaven for Little Trees, for Little Trees Grow Bigger Every Day! The Role of Trees in Landscape Design